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Online Law Schools—Which Are the Best?
When you ask yourself this question, take time to look past just the name. While some high-profile schools do have a certain name-recognition, currently no law schools that provide a J.D. degree completely via distance education are approved by the ABA nor accredited by a particular state bar. These high-profile schools also have no flexibility for time and degree completion, and they have a much higher cost.

You may also hear of some big-name schools with a campus that offer online-only programs. These programs will typically charge more for their online programs than even high-profile institutions without a campus. Is the extreme difference in price worthwhile? Especially since even ABA-approved institutions won't have ABA approval for online-only programs. The criteria for eligibility to take the bar examination or to otherwise qualify for bar admission are set by each state, not by the ABA or the Council for the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.

A variety of Bar Exam statistics by year including pass rate, source of legal education, etc. are available through an interactive tool at TheBarExaminer.org. One example is shown below.

2018 Nationwide General Bar Exam Statistics

Legal Education Taking Passing % Passing
Law Office Study




Non-ABA-Approved Law School (including all online programs)




Law School Outside the USA




ABA-Approved (fixed facility)




Novus University School of Law offers students an option for bar admission through law office study in several states where it is offered. Book knowledge coupled with the practical legal training needed to succeed is a powerful combination for success. Novus students and graduates also use their legal education for career advancement and business. See over 200 career options where graduates currently work and utilize their legal education. Review the National Conference of Bar Examiners’ Comprehensive Guide for Bar Admission Requirements for additional bar admission information.

Data from California
California is a great case study to look at since it has options to allow for the possibility of certain distance-learning school graduates to qualify to sit for their state bar exam—even though those schools are still classified as not ABA approved and CA Bar Unaccredited. There are additional requirements for both the schools and the students to meet, including students passing an exam after their first year of study known as the “Baby Bar”. Failure to pass this exam results in the student being disqualified from any further studies at that school–even if they don’t plan to take the General Bar when they graduate. However, for those that do pass the exam and continue towards graduation the final bar pass rates for many of these schools is still very low. We can then compare data from the General Bar exam results from among these schools. (see table below).

While high-profile, California Bar unaccredited schools like Concord University School of Law, Taft Law School, or Northwestern University may offer you a certain amount of “name value”, attending a well-known program that charges more than double the amount won't guarantee a better education.

From the statistics below, most law school graduates who take the bar exam, still choose the traditional non-online approach. You may find that going to law school on campus at a traditional fixed-facility ABA approved law school is not feasible for you and so an online or correspondent legal education will provide the time and savings for those who still need to work an provide for themselves and families or loved ones. The best fit for one person isn't always the best fit for the next and only you can determine which program will best suit your professional and personal goals. Take into consideration time, money and opportunities for degree completion.

2019 California State Bar Exam Statistics

    First-Timers Repeaters All Takers
    Took Pass Took Pass Took Pass
    CA ABA Approved 3374 2330 2577 962 5951 3292
    Out-of-State ABA 967 670 843 251 1810 921
    CA Accredited 332 82 1060 143 1392 225
    CA Unaccredited 136 34 432 53 568 87
    Law Office/Judges’ Chambers * * * * * *
    Foreign Educated/JD Equivalent + One Year US Education 167 28 335 56 502 84
    US Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 521 365 292 144 813 509
    Foreign Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 571 110 665 99 1236 2099
    4-Year Qualification * * 42 5 42 5
    Schools No Longer in Operation 19 7 48 3 67 10

2018 California State Bar Exam Statistics

    First-Timers Repeaters All Takers
    Took Pass Took Pass Took Pass
    CA ABA Approved 3415 2121 2472 680 5887 2801
    Out-of-State ABA 1088 596 955 196 2043 792
    CA Accredited 355 66 1114 103 1469 169
    CA Unaccredited 141 26 503 40 644 66
    Law Office/Judges’ Chambers * * * * * *
    Foreign Educated/JD Equivalent + One Year US Education 217 35 328 41 545 76
    US Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 605 376 270 108 875 484
    Foreign Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 550 84 621 82 1171 166
    4-Year Qualification * * 49 0 49 0
    Schools No Longer in Operation * * 55 1 55 1

2017 California State Bar Exam Statistics

    First-Timers Repeaters All Takers
    Took Pass Took Pass Took Pass
    CA ABA Approved 3464 2326 2653 1121 6117 3447
    Out-of-State ABA 1248 793 999 309 2247 1102
    CA Accredited 400 114 1132 196 1532 310
    CA Unaccredited 151 36 456 60 607 96
    Law Office/Judges’ Chambers * * * * * *
    Foreign Educated/JD Equivalent + One Year US Education 215 44 274 44 489 88
    US Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 636 403 271 122 907 525
    Foreign Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 424 100 548 88 972 188
    4-Year Qualification * * 43 4 43 4
    Schools No Longer in Operation * * 55 2 55 2

2016 California State Bar Exam Statistics

    First-Timers Repeaters All Takers
    Took Pass Took Pass Took Pass
    CA ABA Approved 3630 2207 2336 869 5966 3076
    Out-of-State ABA 1194 694 1071 289 2265 979
    CA Accredited 395 84 1054 134 1449 218
    CA Unaccredited 159 44 396 31 555 75
    Law Office/Judges’ Chambers * * * * * *
    Foreign Educated/JD Equivalent + One Year US Education 154 22 228 28 382 50
    US Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 632 409 282 101 914 510
    Foreign Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 387 64 463 55 850 119
    4-Year Qualification * * 21 2 21 2
    Schools No Longer in Operation * * 67 3 67 3

2015 California State Bar Exam Statistics

    First-Timers Repeaters All Takers
    Took Pass Took Pass Took Pass
    CA ABA Approved 3975 2648 2226 860 6201 3508
    Out-of-State ABA 1483 829 1079 305 2562 1134
    CA Accredited 467 111 960 122 1427 233
    CA Unaccredited 166 49 413 46 579 95
    Law Office/Judges’ Chambers 1 1 2 1 3 2
    Foreign Educated/JD Equivalent + One Year US Education 140 23 191 30 331 53
    US Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 723 470 321 120 1044 590
    Foreign Attorneys Taking the General Bar Exam 399 77 412 70 811 147
    4-Year Qualification 8 1 34 1 42 2
    Schools No Longer in Operation 0 0 84 0 84 0
* Data not reported for fewer than 11 applicants after 2015

Reference: https://www.calbar.ca.gov/Admissions/Law-School-Regulation/Exam-Statistics